About Roch

Roch (Rocky) Furguiele was an extraordinary athlete with an exceptional smile and personality that would instantly melt your heart away. Rochy grew up in Mt. Washington attending four of Pittsburgh’s Public Schools, where his outstanding ability truly emerged. However, it was not just his given talent that ultimately made him a standout team captain at Slippery Rock University; he was the definition of a natural leader and easily gained the admiration of all his teammates. After graduating from SRU, Rochy returned home to Pittsburgh and continued to run where most people in Mt. Washington vividly remember seeing him sprinting along Grandview Avenue giving that shinning smile that so many people came to expect and love. It is here the race is held in his name.

There was no question where the proceeds of Roch’s race would be placed, back into the community from where he and the funds came. The essential goal of Roch’s race and his newly established Scholarship would always be to benefit our great City’s youths.
